​Mission Statement

The Ellis-Beauregard Foundation provides resources for artists, engages with community and promotes the legacy of the founding artists, Joan Beauregard and John David Ellis.

​Vision Statement

The vision of the Ellis-Beauregard Foundation is to encourage, expand and sustain the courageous and imaginative dialogue that is fundamental to the arts. The Ellis-Beauregard Foundation celebrates the value of art to transcend cultures and engage with diverse communities. Through its programs, the Ellis-Beauregard Foundation supports the exploration of the common ground that art occupies, the way it engages people, and its ability to reveal our shared human experience.

Ends on This opportunity will close after 100 submissions have been received.$25.00

Millay House Rockland, in partnership with the Ellis Beauregard Foundation, is pleased to announce our open call for two, one-month, juried residencies for writers of poetry, fiction, non-fiction, screenplays, or expository journalism. 

Apply to the Millay House Rockland Writer-in-Residence Program

Applications for the Writer-in-Residence program will open on Edna St. Vincent Millay's birthday Saturday, February 22, 2025, and will be accepted until Tuesday, April 1, 2025, at 11:59 pm EST. Two residents will be chosen, one for October 2025 and the other for July 2026. Each residency comes with a stipend of $1200 and one month's accommodation in the house where Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Edna St. Vincent Millay was born. 


The Millay House is located at 198 Broadway in Rockland, Maine, a city that combines an historically significant working waterfront with a flourishing art scene. The duplex, built in 1891, was recently renovated. The furnished residence provides a living/dining room, fully equipped kitchen, two bedrooms, a study, wifi, and one and a half baths, a washer and dryer, and off-street parking. Located within easy walking distance of downtown Rockland where there are art galleries and museums, restaurants and coffee shops, a public library and bookstores, the Harbor Trail, a boatbuilding school, windjammer cruises, and daily ferry service to the islands, as well as a weekly farmers market. 

There are no children, pets, or smoking allowed in the house.

Selection Process and Timeline

  • Applications will be accepted from February 22, 2025, until April 1, 2025, at 11:59 pm EST. The first 100 submissions will be considered.
  • A preliminary jury of five Maine writers, educators, and publishers will anonymously review all the submissions that successfully meet the submission guidelines outlined below. The preliminary jury will remain anonymous until the winners are announced. 
  • Essayist and poet Gretel Ehrlich will serve as the final judge for these residencies. 
  • Following the review of submissions, the two selected candidates will be notified June 1, 2025, and the residents will be announced publicly on July 1, 2025.

Application Guidelines

  • Applicants must be U.S. citizens, 21 years old or older, and not currently enrolled in an educational program at the time of the residency.
  • Relatives, close friends, and current students of the final judge—Gretel Ehrlich—are not eligible to enter. Staff and volunteers of Millay House Rockland are also not eligible to enter.
  • Applicants must choose October 2025 or July 2026 on their application (or both if they want to be considered for either). 
  • Applicants must submit their resume in a PDF format. 
  • Applicants must submit examples of their work in a PDF format. Prose writers should submit up to 25 pages of a novel, short stories, play, or nonfiction writing, double spaced and formatted in 12-point type. Poets should submit no more than ten pages of poetry with each poem beginning on a new page, formatted in 12-point type. Works may be previously published or in process. Your written samples should not include your name or any contact information. 
  • Applicants must submit a short statement about the project they plan to work on and why they want this residency.
  • Each residency is open to one person only. No group projects will be considered.
  • This is a solo residency: no partners, friends, or spouses may accompany the writer.
  • Each resident chosen will be asked to offer one public event while they are in residence: a reading, workshop, or a conversation with writing students and/or the general public.

Thank you so much for your application, and please find more info about Millay House Rockland at our website: millayhouserockland.org

The Ellis-Beauregard Foundation Visual Arts Award


The Ellis-Beauregard Foundation is offering a $50,000. direct unrestricted fellowship to an American artist working in the visual arts in recognition of exceptional original work.  In addition will be also be invited to present a presentation of their choice in Rockland, Maine.


The only criterion is artistic excellence


Applicants must be 18 years of age or more

Applicants must have resided in the United States for at least one year prior to submission and maintain their residency during the award year.

Applicants must work in the visual arts. This includes painting, sculpture, printmaking, media  arts, social practice.

Board members, staff, and their immediate family members may not apply, nor may those artists who enjoy a personal or financial relationship that would create a conflict of interest with any staff or board member of EBF.

Application process:

Deadline: May 1, 2025

Upload a resume and 10 images and/or videos.

Applications will be reviewed by a panel of experts through an anonymous review process. 

Applicants will be notified by July 30, 2025 of the awardee.

Only one award will be granted annually.

Awardees may receive one fellowship award every ten years.

Please note that grant dollars are subject to taxes

The jurors for the 2025 Fellowship review are:

Alicia Knock, Head Curator for Contemporary Art and research, Centre Pompidou, Paris

Andrea Gyorody, Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art, Pepperdine University, Malibu, Ca

Julian Rose, Writer and Critic, NYC

Marie Watt, 2024 Visual Arts Awardee, Oregon

Casey Riley, Curator of Global and Contemporary Art, Minneapolis Institute of Art, MI


Ellis-Beauregard Foundation